Apply for support

The Serco People Fund is a service to help current and retired Serco colleagues, and their close family, when you face extraordinary financial challenges. We may be able to offer support in unexpected circumstances when you are facing an extraordinarily difficult time either personally or financially.

This might be when there is a crisis which affects you or your family’s life, but it also might be during more positive times, such as when your child is starting a new phase of education or you are focusing on recovering from physical or mental ill health.

Whatever your circumstances, we encourage you to apply.

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Choose your region

UK, ASPAC & Middle East

If you are based within the UK, ASPAC, or the Middle East, then please use the link below to apply for support.


North America & Canada

If you are based within the U.S. or Canada, then please use the link below to apply for support.


Please complete and submit the form below

Your Details

All applications are treated confidentially to ensure impartiality. If you are still employed with Serco, your line manager will not be notified unless you wish them to be. Your application and the information in it will be treated in accordance with the terms of your employment contract (if applicable) and the UK data protection laws.

Privacy Policy,

  • I can confirm that all of the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have not omitted any relevant or important information.
  • The Trustees may request evidence to support my application, and I am happy to provide this.
  • If my application is successful, I will provide copies of receipts or invoices relating to the items that I buy.
  • I understand that the Serco People Fund is an independent charity and that the decision of the trustees to grant money is final.
  • In order for us to verify your employment status, you are happy for us to contact Serco and check the details you have provided (if applicable).
  • I am happy to be contacted by phone regarding my application.
  • I consent to being signposted to other sources of support.


If you require support and would like to be considered or you simply want to gain further information please contact the Serco People Fund.